To all the people that are no longer in my life
I wish I had told you sooner how much you meant to me, how hearing your voice made my days better. Sometimes I wonder if you would still be here if I had told you more about me instead of putting more walls up. Did I ever tell you how my life was brighter with you in it? I doubt it, cause if I had you would still be here, wouldn't you?
Did I ever really talk with you about my nigthmeres or like everything else I do I brush them away and made you believe everything was fine? I honestly can't for the life of me remember.
I still remember how at first you would hear everything that was happenning with my life, even if you where busy but one day you stopped. Why did you? There are many things I wish I had asked you sooner, cause I know that no matter how much I wonder I won't get my answers now.
Sometimes I go about my day like everything is the same and when something happens I would think about calling or texting you to talk about it, but then I would remember that we aren't speaking. Those days are the hardest.
I know that you won't read this, but in a way it feels nice to put out there and believe that there is a tiny chance that you will.
You will always be a part of my memories, I wish you the best.
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